
8 Class activities         * 3                   24%

8 Homeworks             * 3                   24%

Midterm exam                                   20%

Final exam                                       35%

(Total 3% Bonus)


Weekly Program

  1. Introduction to the course & software throughout the course.
  2. processing and formatting text.

(13 February)

  1. Software: Word Processing, page layout and references.

Class Activity 1 (20 February)

  1. Software: Excel Spreadsheets (Formulas and basic data management)

Class Activity 2 (27 February)

  1. Software: Excel Spreadsheets (Graphics creation and editing)

Class Activity 3 (6 March)

  1. Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD), Basic Autocad Commands & GUI

Class Activity 4 (13 March)

  1. 2 dimensional CAD drawing techniques, (trim, extend, offset, fillet)

 Class Activity 5 (20 March)

  1. CAD: layers management, units and scale.

(27 March)

  1. Mid Term (Word-Excel-Autocad)

(3 April)

  1. Graphic Design: User interface, basic drawing tools in Adobe Illustrator

Class Activity 6 (10 April)

  1. Graphic Design: Type tools and commands in AI

(17 April)

  1. Graphic Design: Page attributes and layout management in Adobe Illustrator

Class Activity 7 (24 April)

  1. Graphic Design: Layers Management in AI

Class Activity 8 (8 May)

  1. Graphic Design: Import and export to/from other file types. Integration of all formats and file types in a single frame for presentation and creating final poster output.

(15 May)

Final exam will be announced after the classes end.

Supplementary course materials

Tutorials videos and files will be given throughout the course.


Course has a moodle page, it will be used for announcements, homeworks, classworks and many other activities. So students are required to follow it regularly, not to miss any up to date information.